Hello Viewers!


Welcome to my personal website! I am Nur Fitriatul Husna binti Syamsyuri, also known as Husna.
Student number 2021887096. I am a 23 year old, currently studying Library Management at UiTM Rembau,
Negeri Sembilan. This website is a project for my IMS456 Basic Web Design and Content Management course.
Here, I will be sharing insights into my life and journey, from my interests to my academic pursuits.
I am excited to embark on this project and showcase my work. My goal is to create
a website that not only meets my lecturer's Sir Ahmad Soufiean bin Othman requirements but also captivates
visitors with its content. I hope you find my website interesting and engaging as I share my experiences and aspirations.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy exploring my personal corner of the web! 🤞